Criminal Justice
Michael Brown Site; August 9, 2014:
End private, for-profit, prisons...
There are far too many people in prison. Prisons get paid by the federal government to stay full. These companies lobby to push for tougher laws to have more people jailed for victimless crimes.
Enough of this horrible game with people's lives. Veterans are filling up jails for using medicinal marijuana. The war on drugs is failed. The school to prison pipeline in poverty stricken and black communities needs to stop. I intend on pushing to reform current criminal justice laws.
Police officers have been torturing and killing innocent people, or people who have committed victimless crimes, which is why compassion training is essential to weed out and reprimand these brutal police officers.
Videos of police violence are filling the internet. We need to stop police investigating themselves. We also need to pursue a push for all police departments to begin compassion training on a regular basis.
Enough is enough.
It's time to start holding police departments and prisons accountable!
Help me get there so we can make these changes: