Election Reform

We have this huge problem in our governments and that is Citizen's United. This disastrous bill has caused an infinite amount of money to enter politicians pockets to encourage them to work for corporations instead of us, the people. This bill must be ended. I will diligently work on that.
We could install term limits at all levels of government, but we could also instate ranked-choice voting which would mean one voice, one vote. No more worrying about whether your vote counts, it would with RCV.
Lastly, gerrymandering is a huge threat to our election process and, if stopped, would also null the necessity for term limits. Politicians need to stop drawing political maps. We have work to do to fix this, but it starts with us, right now!
We could install term limits at all levels of government, but we could also instate ranked-choice voting which would mean one voice, one vote. No more worrying about whether your vote counts, it would with RCV.
Lastly, gerrymandering is a huge threat to our election process and, if stopped, would also null the necessity for term limits. Politicians need to stop drawing political maps. We have work to do to fix this, but it starts with us, right now!